PennWest Colors

Colors create a mood and set a tone, therefore consistent use of color is vital to a successful brand identity. PennWest colors were thoughtfully selected to honor the history and traditions of our three original universities while creating a new, vibrant palette of blue, red and gold that represents our combined core values.

PennWest Blue = Authority, reliability and trust

PennWest Red = Passion, energy and excitement

PennWest Gold = Courage, compassion and wisdom

PennWest color examples

All 4-color process printing should use the CMYK values listed, not the values achieved from converting PMS colors to process. PMS colors should be used only for spot color applications.

PennWest Blue
Pantone: PMS 2945 C

CMYK: 100 | 65 | 0 | 40
RGB: 0 | 61 | 119
Hex: #003d77
PennWest Red
Pantone: PMS 1795 C

CMYK: 16 | 97 | 97 | 0
RGB: 208 | 46 | 45
Hex: #d02e2d
PennWest Gold
Pantone: PMS 7406 C

CMYK: 6 | 21 | 100 | 0
RGB: 241 | 196 | 24
Hex: #f1c418

Campus Colors

In addition to PennWest Blue, campus and Global Online marks include a unique secondary color.

California Red
Pantone: PMS 485 C

CMYK: 0 | 95 | 100 | 0
RGB: 218 | 41 | 28
Hex: #fa291c
Clarion Gold
Pantone: PMS 118 C

CMYK: 0 | 25 | 80 | 40
RGB: 167 | 130 | 49
Hex: #a78231
Edinboro Red
Pantone: PMS 7621 C

CMYK: 0 | 100 | 100 | 25
RGB: 187 | 19 | 26
Hex: #bb131a
Global Online Gold
Pantone: PMS 117 C

CMYK: 22 | 38 | 100 | 0
RGB: 205 | 157 | 45
Hex: #cd9d2d

One Color Variations

When full-color reproduction is not available, or when printing on a dark background, it is acceptable to use one-color variations of the PennWest and Pennsylvania Western University lockups and wordmarks. Acceptable colors are PennWest Blue (PMS 2945 C), 100% black and white.

One color variation example

When only one-color reproduction is available, campus and Global Online lockups and wordmarks may reproduce in 100% black or the unique Pantone color designated for each. When printing on a dark background, the marks should print in white.

One color variation example 2

Two-Color Variations

Alternate two-color versions of marks may be used on a PennWest Blue background in marketing and communications materials. These versions replace PennWest Blue with white. All uses of alternate two-color marks must be approved by the Department of Marketing and Communications.

Two color variations example

Alternate two-color versions of marks may also be used on apparel with a neutral color material such as a medium gray. These versions replace PennWest Blue with white, and can be used when the second color will reproduce well on the apparel color, but PennWest Blue will not. If neither color will reproduce well on the apparel color, refer to the approve done-color options and uses for light and dark backgrounds outlined in this guide. This alternate two-color version is reserved only for apparel and all uses must be approved by the Department of Marketing and Communications.

Clothes example

Embroidery Colors

Embroidery vendors using the Madeira® thread color system should follow the selected colors below for PennWest apparel. Vendors using a different thread system may use colors that are the closest match with approval from the PennWest Department of Marketing and Communications.

Embroidery colors example