What can you do with an English degree from Pennsylvania Western University? Anything.

Our graduates go on to become lawyers. Journalists and news anchors. Library directors. They own their own businesses, and work in a variety of fields, including non-profit organizations and government agencies, as well as the publishing, media and performance industries.

In PennWest’s English program, you will strengthen your creative and strategic writing, read classic and contemporary texts, and develop your critical thinking, problem solving and analytical skills alongside our award-winning professors.

Discover the world that awaits you with an English degree from PennWest.

Modern Languages

Pursue your passion for global cultures and your love of languages within PennWest’s Modern Languages program.

You’ll be part of a learning community with intellectual curiosity and global awareness, with opportunities to enhance your skills in the classroom and in real-life settings as you study abroad.

Join us at PennWest, where you can excel as an educator, linguist, translator or interpreter, or a number of other careers in the public and private sectors.

Department Chair

William Hunter
Edinboro Campus

Assistant Chairs

Joel Press
California Campus

Leah Chambers
Clarion Campus


Department Faculty and Staff