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PennWest Edinboro Beehive granted $452,000 to empower regional entrepreneurs

ARC POWER Initiative supports economic diversification projects in Appalachian communities

PennWest Edinboro students in Beehive

PennWest Edinboro’s Center for Branding and Strategic Communication, a member of the NWPA Innovation Beehive Network, has been awarded a $452,000 grant from the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) to train and empower maker entrepreneurs in the region.

In partnership with Bridgeway Capital, Edinboro’s Beehive will use the funding to offer an annual 10-week entrepreneur accelerator program – NWPAMade – each spring for the next three years, while then providing extensive assistance to those entrepreneurs after the program concludes. In addition, they will build and launch a regional branding initiative that promotes the region’s creative economy.

"The PennWest Edinboro Beehive is honored to receive this award from the Appalachian Regional Commission,” said Christopher Lantinen, director of the Center for Branding and Strategic Communication. “We will be using these funds to assist maker entrepreneurs in both Erie and Crawford County, helping them build sustainable businesses that can be employment drivers for our region."

Maker entrepreneurs include artists, craftspeople, chefs, brewers, small-batch manufacturers, software/game developers and more.

NWPAMade will provide entrepreneurs with the skills and resources they need to start and grow their businesses. The program builds on the success of Bridgeway Capital’s ErieMade Business Academy, which has provided strategic and operational guidance to creative entrepreneurs and connected participants with useful resources since 2022.

"We are extremely excited to be partnering with PennWest Edinboro on this new opportunity, building off the momentum and success of ErieMade,” said Katie Schaible, Bridgeway Capital programs director. “We recognize the creative economy is a critical economic driver to the region, bringing not just dollars, but cultural vibrancy to the area. We are proud to be able to support these businesses and community through this next initiative."

Edinboro’s Center for Branding and Strategic Communication offers free services in branding and marketing, including graphic and interactive design, social media management, and digital media production. The center pairs existing student coursework with clients, ranging from start-up businesses to nonprofits. It also employs student workers.

Lantinen collaborates with Beehive creative director Scott Gladd and Edinboro graphic & interactive design specialist Cassandra Reese to help students build resumes and portfolios with real-world projects while making a positive impact on the region’s economic growth. The Beehive will be bringing in an additional faculty member to help with NWPAMade.

"Our students will be centered within these efforts, as we'll be hiring a team to assist these entrepreneurs,” Lantinen said. “Not only are we driving economic development in this region, but we're simultaneously providing top-of-the-line experiential learning opportunities. Like all Beehive activities, it's a true win-win for our communities."

Edinboro’s award is part of a recently announced $68.2 million award package supporting 65 projects in 188 coal-impacted counties through ARC’s POWER (Partnerships for Opportunity and Workforce and Economic Revitalization) Initiative, which directs federal resources to economic diversification projects in Appalachian communities affected by job losses in coal mining, coal power plant operations, and coal-related supply chain industries.

Lantinen said the NWPAMade program will be a great resource for local entrepreneurs, including graduates of PennWest Edinboro’s celebrated art program.

"Both Erie and Crawford County are excellent places to start a creative business, develop games or software, or build a small-batch manufacturing operation,” Lantinen said. “We have lower cost of living, affordable real estate, public maker spaces for low-cost experimentation, and great entrepreneur support systems. Part of this project will be about highlighting these benefits."

For more information about the NWPAMade program or Edinboro’s Center for Branding and Strategic Communication, email Lantinen at