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Funding proposals open for creative scholarship events

Strike a Spark

PennWest University is pleased to announce the availability of funding for student research, scholarly projects, and creative endeavors as a component of the Strike a Spark and Celebration of Scholarship events held in April at each campus.

A limited number of grants, up to $600 per award, are available at each of the PennWest campuses. The deadline for the fall application cycle is Sept. 20. Applicants will receive notification of funding by Oct. 4.

The deadline for the spring application cycle is Dec. 4. Applicants will receive notification of funding by Jan. 15.

Strike a Spark/Celebration of Scholarship is open to all undergraduate and graduate students who are interested in presenting and discussing their research, scholarship, or works of creativity.

Appropriate proposals include faculty-supervised independent research or creative projects, independent study and scholarly or creative projects conducted by either an individual or a small group of students.

The proposal guidelines and application are posted to the Student Research website.

Questions about the funding process and other matters related to the student research events may be submitted using the online form.