Pennsylvania Western University’s California and Edinboro campuses have been awarded funding to implement the Act 101 Program, joining the Clarion campus, which has supported students through the program since 1971.
Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency awarded grants to Laura Giachetti, associate professor in the Department of Student Services – TRIO Division, to add the program to the California campus, and to Dr. Joseph Croskey, associate professor in the Department of Student Services and director of the Advising Center, to expand the program to the Edinboro campus. Croskey also directs the Act 101 Program at Clarion.
Act 101 is a state grant-funded program to assist students in successfully completing postsecondary study. To be eligible to participate, students must be residents of Pennsylvania, complete the FAFSA, and meet program requirements for academic support.
PennWest’s Act 101 Programs provide support beyond the classroom with one-to-one advising, orientations, a sense of belonging and positive connections, tutoring, peer mentoring, cultural and educational trips, skill-building workshops, assessments and coursework. These services and supports are designed to assist students in developing the skills necessary for college persistence and graduation.
Act 101 students are eligible to use the Lending Library, which makes available textbooks and other academic resources; Laptop Lending Program; educational materials; and an emergency fund to help offset personal expenses. Students compete for a scholarship. Students who do well may be selected for the Chi Alpha Epsilon and Alpha Alpha Alpha national honor societies.
Initially, the three programs will serve nearly 100 students; eventually it will serve at least 40 students on each campus, thereby boosting enrollment.
“These programs support students and provide a strong network to help them reach their academic and career goals,” Giachetti said. “We are proud to support the PennWest vision of student success and making an impact in our communities.”