PennWest Edinboro has taken great pride in its celebrated history of providing nationally renowned support services for students with disabilities. This year, Edinboro’s Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) will commemorate 50 years of excellence in providing access to educational opportunities for all.

Established in 1974, OSD provides the most effective accommodations for all students with disabilities. The goal is to give students an equal opportunity at academic success by providing support services and academic accommodations. OSD accommodates students with disabilities ranging from Autism, sensory impairments, mobility impairments, learning disabilities, ADHD, mental health conditions (e.g. depression, anxiety and bipolar conditions) to chronic health conditions such as digestive illness, diabetes and severe allergies.

Today, OSD offers an array of academic accommodations, programs and services, in addition to housing and meal plan accommodations. OSD works closely with each student to develop and determine the appropriate accommodations so that every student with a disability has equal access to the learning environment.

Support services for all documented disabilities are determined by need and include assistance with priority scheduling, extended time to complete exams and consultation with staff. The Boro Opportunities for Organization and Study Techniques Program (BOOST) offers specialized assistance and sessions with a trained peer advisor, who in collaboration with the student develops an individualized process to improve their academic success through study skills, support, organization, time management, resource referral and much more.

The Boro Autism Support Initiative for Success (BASIS) is an individualized support program available for students on the autism spectrum. This program offers support in five key areas: academics, communication, daily living skills, employment readiness and social skills. Our BASIS program has been ranked in the top 10 colleges for Autism for the last several years

With 50 award-winning years of service to build upon, PennWest Edinboro University will continue to be a place of excellence and access for students with disabilities. We look forward to continuing our work with current students and meeting future students in the years to come.

Upcoming Events

OSD Open House
Date: January 17
Time: Noon - 3 p.m.
Location: Crawford Hall

The Office for Students with Disabilities is committed to its mission in providing support to students registered with the office to achieve academic and independent success. The OSD will be hosting an open house to highlight services, events, and resources available to our students. Come learn more about the OSD and see our new and updated space.

Autism 101 – Community Training
Date: February 11
Time: 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Location: Pogue 143
Zoom Link:

Gain insights into communications strategies, sensory sensitivities, and behavioral patterns commonly associated with ASD.

Autism 101 – Embracing Neurodiversity in the Workplace
Date: February 11
Time: 1 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Location: Pogue 143
Zoom Link:

Gain insights into spectrum traits, inclusive practices, and the untapped potential of students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) in the workplace.

Boro Shootout Game vs University of Missouri
Date: February 28
Time: 2 p.m. and 4 p.m.
Location: McComb Field House






    The Boro Autism Support Initiative for Success (BASIS) program was developed to help students with autism make a smooth transition into college life and achieve academic success.
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    The Boro Opportunities for Organization and Study Techniques (BOOST) program is designed to support students registered with the Office for Students with Disabilities to address academic skill carryover.
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    BRIDGE is a transition program to support first-term students, who are registered with the Office for Student with Disabilities, adjust and learn campus life. This program is only offered to students by invitation only. The program also has an additional service fee. Questions or interest can be directed to the OSD office
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