Students may request the Financial Aid Office to review their federal aid eligibility in light of certain special or unusual circumstances often referred to as a Professional judgment.  Professional judgment refers to the discretion that federal regulations give to financial aid administrators to make adjustments, on a case-by-case basis, to certain elements of a student’s FAFSA information to account for these special or unusual circumstances.

Special Circumstances

Special Circumstances are financial situations that support a change to the cost of attendance or student aid index (SAI) calculation.  Examples of special circumstances include, but are not limited to:

  • Reduction or loss of taxable or untaxable income or assets from the tax filing year reported on the FAFSA of an individual whose information is reported on the FAFSA due to loss of employment, death, separation, or divorce.
  • change in housing status (e.g., homelessness).
  • medical, dental, or nursing home expenses not covered by insurance.
  • child or dependent care expenses.
  • severe disability of student or another member of the student’s household.
  • other changes or adjustments that impact the student’s costs or ability to pay for college.

Please note special circumstances do not include recurring costs such as:

  • vacation expenses
  • tithing expenses
  • standard living expenses (e.g., utilities, credit card expenses, children’s allowances, etc.)

Unusual Circumstances

Unusual circumstances are conditions that support a change to a student’s dependency status based on a unique situation.  The U.S. Department of Education has established strict standards regarding the circumstances under which a financial aid office may authorize a change to a student's dependency status. 

Examples of unusual circumstances include, but are not limited to:

  • human trafficking (as described in the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000).
  • legally granted refugee/asylee status.
  • parental abandonment or estrangement.
  • parental drug and/or alcohol abuse or
  • student or parental incarceration.

Please note unusual circumstances do not include:

  • parent’s refusal to contribute to the student’s education.
  • parent’s refusal to provide information for the FAFSA or verification.
  • parents do not claim the student for income tax purposes, or
  • student demonstrates total self-sufficiency.

Process for Appeal

Students who find themselves with special or unusual circumstances should contact the Financial Aid Office at to speak with a financial aid counselor.  The counselor will research the student’s situation and verify the information presented by the student.  Additional information or documentation may be required from the student.  Notice of the need for any additional documentation or a decision will be sent to the student.  All requests must be reviewed within 60 days after the student enrolls. 

To request reconsideration of Pennsylvania State Grant eligibility based on special family circumstances, or to update enrollment data, select the proper form from the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency. Refer to submission deadlines found on each form.




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