Mascot Blaze is PennWest California's 'ambassador of fun.'

BlazeBlaze is a cartoon-style Vulcan, the Roman god of fire. He’s been around, in one form or another, since the 1930s, when students selected him as California’s mascot.

Today, mascot Blaze is a regular at sports events, campus gatherings and community festivals, where his red-and-black outfit, enormous sandaled feet and wide smile make him easy to spot in a crowd.

Blaze is a symbol of Vulcan pride who’s come out on top  in races with the Pittsburgh Pirates Pierogi. Naturally, his favorite movie is “Chariots of Fire,” and Flamin’ Hot Cheetos are his favorite food.

Look for mascot Blaze at Adamson Stadium and the Convocation Center, at Take Our Children to Work Day and the California Fire Department’s annual fish fry. He won’t say a word, but he’s always ready with a high-five for Vulcans sports fans and friends of PennWest California.

Have Blaze at Your Event