
The Foundation for California University of Pennsylvania exists to support and supplement the charitable, educational and scientific activities and programs of the University. 

About the Foundation for California  

The Foundation for California University, incorporated in 1986, is proud to support the mission and goals of the University and its students. As an affiliated yet independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization exempt from federal income taxes under the Internal Revenue Code, the foundation cultivates and receives funds to hold, administer, invest and disburse. 

The Foundation for California University accepts gifts in many forms, including: 

  • Cash. 
  • In-kind gifts of property, securities and insurance. 
  • Charitable IRA rollover gifts. 

In addition, the foundation is able to assist in arrangements for acquiring long-term planned gifts. Gifts made to the foundation are deductible as charitable contributions under Section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code. 

The Foundation Board 

The Board of Directors of the Foundation for California University is composed of alumni and University friends who are elected to serve three-year terms. Board members include a wide range of successful, experienced business professionals and educators. 

Active participation is required; board members from Pennsylvania and across the nation attend quarterly meetings in person or by telephone and videoconference. 

The foundation board includes Finance, Audit and Investment committees that closely monitor performance and compliance. In addition to the quarterly board meetings, these committees meet quarterly and maintain active liaison with the Executive Committee and financial advisers. 

Foundation Board of Directors

William R. Flinn II '68, President

Frederick A. Retsch '62, Vice President

Darla R. Holley-Holmes, Secretary

Paul L. Kania '87, Treasurer

Therese J. Gass '77

Bethany Hoag-Salmen '05

Matthew Humbert '07, '08

Jeffrey S. James '07

Matthew Jenkins '05

Jeffrey M. Kotula

John A. Lorenzi '15

Courtney Menanno '12, '13

Chelsea M. Pratt '17, '18



Jon Anderson

James Geiger

Anthony Mauro '92, '93

Tereasa Rerko '79, '20

Investment Policy 

The Investment Committee follows the foundation's investment policy of seeking to maximize long-term returns relative to acceptable levels of investment risk. This committee receives regular financial reports that allow consistent tracking of overall investment performance that strives to provide a stable flow of support to California University students. 

The foundation is proud to partner with F.N.B. Wealth Management and Commonfund in the management of these private funds. 

Foundation Operations 

The operation of the foundation, establishment of policies, acquisition of resources, stewardship of assets and management of endowment funds are directed by the Board of Directors and are carried out by the foundation staff. 

Foundation operations are funded primarily from fees for administering endowed and non-endowed funds and from direct gifts to its operating fund. 

Each year the Foundation for California University files Internal Revenue Service Form 990, which provides financial information about this nonprofit organization. 

Contact the Foundation 

For more information about the Foundation for California University of Pennsylvania, contact the executive director. 

Our mailing address is: 
Foundation for California University of Pennsylvania 
P.O. Box 668 
California, PA  15419  

Denise Smith '88, '89 
Executive Director
Phone: 724-938-4329
Email: smith_de@pennwest.edu