Annual support to PennWest California helps students to succeed in classrooms, in labs, on stage, on playing fields and in our communities. Annual support influences every aspect of the California experience and is critical to help fund their greatest needs. 

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Our students today are very much like our students in years past. They excel in their courses, as members of a club or organization, in their internships or student teaching and athletically. They are just like our alumni were when they walked through campus.  

Your generosity helps us recruit a talented student body, provide program and athletics support and retain the best and brightest faculty. 

Gifts to PennWest California includes direct support to: 

  • Student scholarships 
  • Program enhancement 
  • Sports programs and student clubs 
  • Art shows and theatre productions 

Annual support through recurring, sustainable contributions is a significant part of the foundation on which our success is based. Your support allows PennWest California to provide opportunities for students to pursue their dream of higher education and lead fulfilling lives through meaningful employment as contributing members of our community. 

For more information on Annual Support at California, please contact Randi Minerva at 

Please make your gift today and support our Vulcans! 

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The 1852 Society      

1852 Society logo

The 1852 Society is established to encourage and foster the core value of responsibility for students throughout their tenure at California and after graduation. Through the 1852 Society, students are asked to honor their commitment by supporting on and off campus events through service-based philanthropy and build their legacy through contributions made to the Class Gift Drive Scholarship funds.  

The 1852 Society members are asked to: 

  • support the Class Gift Drive through a recurring monthly subscription ($5 monthly gift encouraged) 
  • volunteer in a minimum of one (1) service event per academic semester as a student, and one (1) per year as an alumnus 
  • regularly update alumni information after graduation 
  • attend alumni events including Homecoming 

The 1852 Society members will receive: 

  • Special yearly incentives for membership in good standing 
  • Recognition at special member appreciation events 
  • Invitation to special alumni-only events 
  • Receive 1852 Society cords to be worn at graduation 

Membership is open to all students who make the commitment and may join at any time.  

To join The 1852 Society, or to make a gift to the Class Gift Drive scholarship.

Class Gift Drive Legacy  

Since 2010, students, parents, families, and friends have supported current and future students by creating a lasting legacy to our Alma Mater. The Class Gift Drive is sponsored and funded by each graduating class and members of The 1852 Society to establish the class legacy and support future generations of California students.  

From the inception, the Class Gift Drive efforts have raised more than $140,000 towards student scholarships.  To date, over $14,000 has been awarded to Cal U students from the Class Gift Drive.  

Students that contribute to the Class Gift Drive efforts through The 1852 Society receive tassels and cords that identify them as a donor and recognize them for their philanthropic commitment to their class scholarship fund. 

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