Annual support to PennWest Edinboro helps students to succeed in classrooms, in labs, on stage, on playing fields and in our communities. Annual support influences every aspect of the Edinboro experience and is critical to help fund their greatest needs. 

Give Now

Our students today are very much like our students in years past. They excel in their courses, as members of a club or organization, in their internships or student teaching and athletically. They are just like our alumni were when they walked through campus.  

Your generosity helps us recruit a talented student body, provide program and athletics support and retain the best and brightest faculty. 

Gifts to PennWest Edinboro includes direct support to: 

  • Student scholarships 
  • Program enhancement 
  • Sports programs and student clubs 
  • Art shows and theatre productions 

Annual Support through recurring, sustainable contributions is a significant part of the foundation on which our success is based. Your support allows PennWest Edinboro to provide opportunities for students to pursue their dream of higher education and lead fulfilling lives through meaningful employment as contributing members of our community. 

For more information on Annual Giving at Edinboro, please contact Randi Minerva at

Please make your gift today and support our Fighting Scots!

Give Now

Women's Philanthropy Council


The Women's Philanthropy Council is dedicated to furthering the role of women as leaders and active participants in PennWest Edinboro and our community. The Council seeks to help shape the University's future and to support its mission through the engagement of women who are alumni, faculty, staff, retirees and friends.

Council Goals

The Council has a twofold fundraising goal:

  • To establish a permanently restricted endowment - Edinboro Women's Scholarship Endowment - to provide financial awards to deserving female students
  • To establish an annually restricted fund - Edinboro Women's Academic and Research Fund - that will annually award grants to faculty and students for:
    • Research
    • Travel/study abroad opportunities
  • Membership Benefits
    • Active involvement with a diverse group of women committed to making a positive community impact
    • Build relationships with local philanthropic, entrepreneurial and government leaders
    • Learn from peers and experts about how to address our community’s challenges
    • Encourage the current and future generation of philanthropists
    • Support change-making organizations with strategic and high impact grants
    • Access to local volunteer opportunities

Membership  fee: $250