About the institute

Created in 2000 by PennWest California's Department of Earth Sciences, the Peter J. Daley Geo-technology Institute is housed in Eberly Hall, Room 281.

The lab is equipped with the most up-to-date geospatial software.

This technological facility provides the impetus for a number of significant outreach, community service, service-based education, teacher education, and college and high school student educational programs. Utilizing this specialized technology, the institute has:

  • Conducted land use planning studies for municipalities within the University service area.
  • Pursued demographic inventory and analysis studies to provide valuable information to elected and appointed officials.
  • Engaged University students and faculty in service-based educational programs as part of their undergraduate and graduate studies. Students who are studying planning, Earth sciences, hydrology, parks and recreation management, and regional planning are potential participants.
  • Enabled the University to serve as a resource a variety of planning, public policy and public management issues and resolutions.
  • Conducted geographical information education workshops for K-12 educators within the region. Workshops also are offered to elected officials, environmental groups and citizens at large.
  • Provided GIS orientation programs for K-12 students at the Peter J. Daley Geo-Technology Institute.
  • Included this state-of-the-art technology facility as part of the regular tours for prospective students during Open House programs and campus visits. 
  • Engendered significant and positive University/community relationships.
  • Utilized this state-of-the-art equipment and software to enable existing technology-based courses to be revised and upgraded to meet the dynamic needs of employers. 

Contact Us

Dr. Thomas Mueller
Biology, Earth and Environmental Sciences