About our institutes

Institutes based at PennWest California conduct research, provide professional development and offer specialized services to communities throughout southwestern Pennsylvania.

  • A family walking in a field

    Child & Family Studies

    The Child and Family Studies Institute conducts research into child and family issues to provide parents, educators, policymakers and healthcare professionals with information that can help them meet the challenges of modern life.
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  • Crime scene tape blocking an area

    Investigative Sciences

    The Pennsylvania Center for Investigative and Forensic Sciences offers real-time investigative consulting and professional training programs for police, district attorneys, public defenders and others involved in the administration of justice.
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  • A native american feather

    Native American Studies

    The LaDonna Harris Native American Studies Institute fosters understanding and respect for Native American culture and peoples both within the University community and the larger region.
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  • A gavel resting on a desk

    Law & Public Policy

    The Institute for Law and Public Policy offers continuing education for a broad range of professionals, including police, attorneys, corrections personnel, educators, regulatory professionals, CPAs and judicial personnel.
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  • A view of the cloudy blue sky

    Northern Appalachian Network

    The Northern Appalachian Network is a multidisciplinary network promoting teaching, scholarship and service focused on the northern Appalachian region, its people and their environment.
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  • Two people fishing in a stream

    Partners for Fish & Wildlife

    Based at PennWest California, Partners for Fish and Wildlife is a cooperative effort among many agencies. It works with landowners to remediate degraded wetlands and streamside environments, and to restore native grassland and wildflower habitat.
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  • A scenic view of a rural community

    Rural Communitites

    The Rural Communities Institute builds collaborative partnerships that enhance the quality of life in small towns and rural communities, especially in southwestern Pennsylvania, through social work and human services programs.
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  • A teacher helping a student

    Rutledge Institute for Early Childhood Education

    The Karen and Tom Rutledge Institute for Early Childhood Education is a center for educational excellence based at PennWest California.
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  • A person climbing through a hanging tire

    Serene Leadership Institute

    Founded by a PennWest California alumni couple, the Linda and Harry Serene Leadership Institute gives back to the University and the community by sponsoring a speaker series, scholarships, workshops, leadership conferences and other events.
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  • HRSA Students smiling after an event

    HRSA at PennWest California

    The PennWest California Counselor Education and Social Work Departments offer programs for a variety of events including webinars, free training and student stipends through Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) grants.
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  • An RHBI event

    Rural Behavioral Health Institute

    The Rural Behavioral Health Institute strives to provide behavioral health training opportunities and partnerships to the widest range of the vulnerable, underserved, diverse population within Allegheny, Fayette, Greene, Washington, and Westmoreland counties.
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  • A flower in a meadow

    Peter J. Daley Geo-technology Institute

    Created in 2000 by PennWest California's Department of Earth Sciences, the Peter J. Daley Geo-technology Institute provides the impetus for a number of significant outreach, community service, service-based education, teacher education, and college and high school student educational programs.
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  • Some wild plants growing in the woods

    Interdisciplinary Center for Environmental Studies (ICES)

    A self-supported organization within the nonprofit Student Association Inc., ICES seeks to establish an environmental center at PennWest California to create inter-institutional partnerships that build, facilitate, coordinate and enhance existing and future environmental programs.
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