
ADP LogoThe American Democracy Project (ADP) is a multi-campus initiative focused on higher education's role in preparing the next generation of informed, engaged citizens for our democracy.

The goal of the American Democracy Project is to produce graduates who are committed to being active, involved citizens in their communities.

Under the direction of the late Dr. Melanie J. Blumberg, PennWest California was one of the first universities to pilot the American Democracy Project in 2003. Dr. Blumberg was a tireless advocate for civic engagement and voter participation. PennWest California's Fall 2020 schedule of American Democracy Project events was dedicated to her memory.

Mission Statement

The American Democracy Project seeks to create a greater intellectual understanding and commitment to participate in the civic life of the United States.

Focused on undergraduates at public colleges and universities, the ADP has created a collaborative network of 250 public colleges and universities in 46 states and the District of Columbia that are member institutions of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU).

The project, sponsored by AASCU in collaboration with The New York Times, provides opportunities for participating campuses to engage in activities and projects designed to increase the number of undergraduate students committed to meaningful civic actions.

Voter Information

The American Democracy Project directs students and others to reliable, nonpartisan information about voter registration, voting procedures and polling locations. The ADP encourages participation in the electoral process by holding voter registration drives and encouraging voter turnout, especially among PennWest California students.

Read information for student voters or learn how to register, take the pledge and make a plan to vote at ALL IN to Vote, a non-partisan tool developed to help college students navigate the voting process. Developed by the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge, the tool has information for voters in all 50 states and Washington, D.C.

ADP Activities

The ADP holds a variety of forums and panel presentations that are open to the public. By bringing recognized political scientists and award-winning reporters to campus to discuss campaign issues and analyze election results, the ADP fosters awareness of the political process and important issues of the day.

During the presidential election cycle, the American Democracy Project has enabled students to attend the Democratic and Republican national conventions, so they can witness the political process firsthand. Students report their experiences online and in person, sharing what they learn with the broader community.

The ADP Advisory Board

An advisory board of faculty, administrators, staff and students supports the work of the American Democracy Project at PennWest.

Campus director
Dr. Laura Tuennerman

Faculty members
Dr. David Argent
Dr. Carol Bocetti
Dr. Sheri Boyle
Nancy Carlino
Dr. Holly Diehl
Dr. Stephanie Diez-Morel
Dr. Kelton Edmonds
Dr. Craig Fox
Dr. Kyle Fredrick
Dr. James Fisher
Dr. Debbie Goh
Dr. Justin Hackett
Dr. Paul Hettler
Dr. Michael Hummel
Dr. Connie Monroe
Dr. Thomas Mueller
Dr. Keat Murray
Dr. Louise Nicholson
Dr. Michael Slaven
Dr. Rosalie Smiley
Dr. Andrew Smith
Dr. Emily Sweitzer
Dr. Michelle Torregano
Dr. Jane Walsh
Dr. Kevan Yenerall

Library Faculty
William Meloy
Rachel Newbury

Sheleta Carmada-Webb
Wendy Mackall

Cindy Speer

Christopher Lisle