How to Create an Endowment 

Creating an endowment is an investment in the future of PennWest students, faculty and programs. 

Many of our alumni and friends have not only provided annual funds year by year, but have also helped to build a permanent financial foundation for the benefit of PennWest students. 

Of all forms of private giving, endowments offer perhaps the most influential of investments in higher education by creating self-renewing, living legacies that span generations. An endowment is an investment in the lives of those to come, a promise without end, made by today’s donors to the future. 

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How an Endowed Fund Works 

Just like a savings account, endowed funds generate income from the principal investment. Endowments create the foundation upon which universities build lasting financial strength and ensure academic quality. Once in place, endowments provide permanent support for teaching and research, student aid, and an abundance of other academic programs and activities. 
These dollars can support scholarships, equipment and software upgrades, student research, and more. Distribution of funds will be subject to a specific set of guidelines formulated by University staff in conjunction with you, the donor. You can create an endowment that will bear your name or the name of someone you wish to honor. 
Because the financial requirements for various endowment and naming opportunities differ, donors are encouraged to discuss their ideas with a staff member from the Office of Development.

Please consider supporting PennWest students and programs by contacting our Office of Development for more information.