In every corner of every building on every square inch of our PennWest campuses, our alumni had and students have experiences that helped make PennWest the special place it is today.  It’s where they worked, studied, and created.  It’s where they find lifelong friends and make memories together.   

While the stories may be different, they all have walked the same paths and chased the dreams.  They share the traditions and left their legacy behind hoping their experiences would provide opportunities for future generations.  

Today’s students are much like all of our alumni.  They are hardworking, dedicated individuals who devote themselves to their studies and strive to becoming a valued member of our campus community. 

Our students attend classes, are members of clubs and organizations, or perhaps a sports team, and they strive to be productive members of our PennWest family. 

Many students, however, need to work one or more jobs to help to offset the costs of their education.  Through your support to PennWest, you will ensure that talented students, regardless of their financial situation, have the opportunity to pursue their dream of obtaining their degree. 

Gifts of annual support, endowed funds and planned gifts can mean the world to our students and our campuses.   

Annual Gifts

Annual Gifts provide immediate support to PennWest students, faculty and programs. Based on your affinity and involvement as a student, your support can help students who are involved in the same majors, Greek organizations, sports, clubs and groups just like you were.  Whether it’s supplementing a student who needs financial aid, supporting a faculty member with research funding, or preserving a vibrant student life experience for students on campus, these gifts are applied where they are needed most.

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Edinboro football team saluting fans. California students march in homecoming parade. Clarion student on campus.


Endowed Funds

Endowed Funds allow donors to establish named funds for scholarships, program support, etc. that will exist in perpetuity and provide permanent support for students within a particular area or for a specific purpose. Minimum endowment levels guarantee that sufficient income will be available to fulfill the donor’s specific intentions.

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Planned Gifts

Planned gifts by naming PennWest as beneficiary in your estate plans, you can make an impact that will secure your personal and/or family legacy and become a member of the Robert M. Steele Society.  We are here to help you create a perpetual legacy for future generations of students.

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Matching Gifts 

Matching Gifts provide an opportunity for donors to sometimes double their donations to PennWest.  Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match any charitable contribution.  Even small regional companies can participate, and many do. You just have to ask.  You can multiply your gift to PennWest University, if you or your spouse is employed by a matching gift company. 

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Tax Benefits

In addition to the impact your gift has on our students, faculty, staff, and you as a donor, there are a few more things you should know about supporting PennWest. Your annual gift can positively impact your income tax situation by providing a charitable gift tax deduction depending on the type of gift. 

Gifts of cash: Gifts of cash are fully deductible up to 50 percent of your adjusted gross income in the year of the gift, and, if necessary, you can carry forward the balance of the deduction for up to five years.   

Gifts of appreciated assets: Gifts of appreciated assets like real estate, stocks, securities and bonds are fully deductible up to 30 percent of your adjusted gross income in the year of the gift, and, if necessary, you can carry forward the balance of the deduction for up to five years. In addition to receiving a charitable deduction for the full fair market value of such a gift, the donor pays no capital gains tax on the appreciation when the gift is made. 

Gifts of retirement assets: A gift of your retirement assets [401(k), 403(b), pension or other tax deferred plan] is an excellent way to make a gift. Did you know that 50-60 percent of your retirement assets may be taxed if you leave them to your heirs at your death? If you designate PennWest California as the beneficiary, we will benefit from the full value of your gift because your IRA assets will not be taxed at your death. Your estate will benefit from an estate tax charitable deduction for the gift. 

Gifts that pay you income: There are several ways that you can give an asset to PennWest California now and receive income for the rest of your life including charitable remainder trusts charitable gift annuities. 

Gifts in Honor or Memory

We welcome gifts in honor or in memory of someone special. This is a unique way to celebrate someone and/or their accomplishments. 

Tribute gifts are a meaningful way to recognize, honor, and celebrate people who are important to you while also supporting PennWest. They celebrate the relationship individuals have with the university, and their community as they enhance the student experience by providing much-needed assistance for student scholarships and strategic university initiatives. Memorial gifts and honorary gifts are two types of tribute gifts. 

Memorial Gifts are made in memory of someone. Honor the legacy of a loved one, friend, colleague, or esteemed professor with a memorial gift. 

Honorary Gifts are made in honor of someone. Celebrate a special occasion, milestone, or just celebrate the person with an honorary gift in their name. Many of us have too much stuff already, why not make a gift with a lasting impact! 

For more information on how to make a gift to PennWest, please contact us.

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