Photo of Tom Bowman

When Tom Bowman ’77 answered his phone 35 years ago, and the voice on the other end was a Clarion student requesting a pledge, he made his first gift to his alma mater.

“I couldn’t say no to a student taking their time to do a pledge drive,” Bowman said. “I also felt the need to give back to a university that (wife) Linda ’77 and I got so much from.”

That phone call began a lifetime of philanthropy.

“To this day, when I get a call from what looks like a Clarion number, I try to take it and support the students’ efforts,” he said.

Most often, the Bowmans support Athletics. “Clarion has a rich sports history, and we want to continue to support that effort,” he said. “With roots in the Digregorio/Baschnagel era, we lean toward the basketball programs, but we support the Talon Club and all sports.

Five years ago, when Clarion started the BizPitch competition, in which students develop business plans and compete for cash prizes to implement the plans, the former business major and retired owner of a successful accounting business began to support it, too.

He said it’s a great feeling to contribute to the success of students.

“It has to be – and is – all about the students,” Bowman said.

His generosity doesn’t stop there.

“For over two decades, my other nonprofit passions have been the American Heart Association, Maryland Small Business Association Awards and the Professional Association of Small Business Accountants. For the last five years I have been a committee member for North Allegheny High School's Distinguished Alumni Awards Program. And last, but certainly not least, two years ago my brother was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, so Linda and I have begun to become involved with that as well,” Bowman said.

He’s been recognized multiple times for his generosity, which includes giving time and talent.

Recognitions include: Greater Maryland Heart Walk Volunteer of the Year, North Allegheny High School Distinguished Alumni in Business, Professional Association of Small Business Accountants’ Lifetime Achievement, SBA's Mid Atlantic Accountant Advocate of the Year and Maryland SBA's Accountant Advocate of the Year.

Last fall, Bowman was honored as the Clarion Alumni Association’s Distinguished Alumni. The annual Distinguished Awards recognize alumni and friends who, over an extended period of time and/or through a singular achievement, have achieved exemplary success in their own field, extraordinary service to Clarion, their community, state, nation or all of humanity. Through their citizenship, service, and caring and generous spirits, they personify qualities and character for all Clarion students and graduates to emulate.

Ann Thompson, executive director of Alumni Engagement for PennWest Clarion, is proud to count Bowman among the alumni.

“The true measure of a university's greatness can be found in the achievements of its alumni and friends,” she said.