Photo of Matt Putila

Lucky. Matt Putila ’97 describes himself that way. Fortunate to have a secure job as vice president of information technology and chief technology officer at Highmark Wholecare. Blessed to have had a chance to attend college. Raising a family in a better-resourced school district.

“What’s the difference,” he wondered to himself during the thick of the pandemic in 2020, with hardships all around, “between my kids, growing up in a district with more resources, and a kid living somewhere else?”

“I started thinking about people going through difficult times putting food on the table, making ends meet,” Putila said. “I was lucky to have a profession that wasn’t impacted, where things just kept going.”

Then, “I reflected on my grandparents, and my parents,” he said. “I grew up around hard-working people, people who help each other and value hard work. My parents came upon some difficult times and persevered through hard work. That had a lasting impact on me.”

A fund named for Matt Putila’s grandparents helps students fulfill higher education dreams For more information on ways you can help students to dream big and earn a college degree, please contact Justin James in University Advancement at or 724-938-4726.