The Parents and Families Organization (PFO) promotes positive parent and family associations with the University and provides a forum for the expression of parent and family views and suggestions.

Jointly coordinated with Student Affairs and Advancement, PFO is proud to provide parents and families with the contact, support, and answers they need.


  • To value the contributions of parents and family members in support of their students and the University
  • To provide an advocacy and a communication link between the University, present and future students and their parents and family members
  • To encourage members of the Parents and Families Organization to serve as goodwill ambassadors for the University

We provide outreach through our Letters from Home series during Welcome Week, Care Package and Linens program opportunities, and family events during Homecoming Weekend.

All parents and family members of students currently enrolled are automatically members of the organization. Activities are planned and organized by a small steering committee of volunteers. Those who continue to show an interest after their family member has graduated may remain a part of the organization.





Together, we create a brighter future.

We believe in the power of community, innovation, and individual potential. Join us in shaping futures, connecting communities, and and turning dreams into realities.